
What Is Injection Molding Used for?

What Is Injection Molding Used for?

Injection molding is used for manufacturing plastic, rubber and metal. Materials are fed through a heated barrel in the machine and forced into a mold where it will cool and take its shape. An injection molding machine can stamp out metal car shell parts, rubber valve steam seals, and even plastic toys for kids.



Injection molds uses plastic to make toys for children, milk containers and movie cases. It also makes other plastic products such as combs, kitchen utensils and dust pans.


Injection molds make many rubber automobile parts. It makes valve steam seals and oil seals for the engine. It also makes earplugs, rubber hoses and telecommunications items.


Injection molds can stamp out small to large items. It can stamp out automobile parts from spark plugs and floor pans to ball bearings. It also can stamp out items like TV hangers and knitting needles.

