
what's color mold? double shot molding two shot mold double injection

Color mold : two on the same plastic injection molding machine , a two- molding, but the product just only in one mold die . In general, this is also called double injection molding process. it is usually done by a mold , and need specialized color injection molding machine . Color mold growing popularity on the market today , it can make the appearance of the product is more beautiful from the process, easy to change colors and no no painting, also expensive and high technically demanding .

1 two female molds are different , each forming one kind of products, and the two male molds are the same.

2 before the mold, the mold in the center of the rotation after 180o, must match. This inspection must be done during mold design , this points have high demand for the mold base positioning  process.

3 The total thickness of the front plate plus A plate must be not less than 170mm. Please carefully review the reference data of the injection molding machines. for example, the maximum and minimum thickness of the mold, KO -hole distance etc.

4 the gate of three plates mold preferably designed to automatically release action. Particularly pay attention to the gate release of soft part..

5 when design the second injection of the female die , in order to avoid secondary mold insert ( or rub ) the first part with good product molding, can make some clearance . However, the intensity must be carefully considered . During injection ,if there will be a big injection pressure , it will cause deformation , resulting in flash problem in the second injection ?

6 during the injection , the first injection molded product may be slightly larger size , so that it can be formed in the second well tightly, in order to achieve the effect of sealing compound .

7 pls note that in the second injection , the plastic flow will impulse the first product and cause part deformation ? If there is the possibility, must find ways to improve .

8 Before A, B plate clamping , pay attention to the mold slider or lifter ,if they will be reset and the crushed product ? So , we must find ways to make the A, B plates first clamping , then make the slide or lifters reset second.

9 the water of two female molds and the male mold transport as fully and balance as possible

10 99% of the injection molded hard plastic case is the first part of the product , and then injection molded soft part . Because soft part have deformation problem .

